Are you investing in SEO blog posts as part of your digital marketing strategy? Staggeringly, a 2020 report (1) revealed that over 90% of web pages receive zero traffic from Google. Yep, zero!
An estimated 5.6 billion searches are carried out on Google every single day (2), with the vast majority of searchers never making it onto the second page of results. The ranking that webpage places can even make or break your success in reaching potential customers. In turn, driving or, preventing your sales.
It’s no wonder that businesses are now investing in content marketing to increase their organic reach. Yet, with hundreds of thousands of competing articles, there is a real need to optimise your content within Google’s search engine results, for heavy impact. Blog posts crafted with search engine optimisation (SEO) in mind, are, therefore, far more likely to reach intended consumers.
But, it’s not enough to just reach this audience. To spark real consumer connection, your content needs to capture deeper interests.
By including engaging SEO blog posts within your website, you can begin to build brand trust. As others too, find value in your blog posts; shareability and traffic can snowball. Casual readership might shift into loyal customers, transforming the growth of your organisation. Through quality content too, your organisation’s credibility as an industry leader might be cemented.
As a cost-effective way of generating passive and growing website traffic, value-driven SEO blog posts can be a real game-changer for growth.
Organic Traffic for Lasting Results
Creating that sought-after webpage traffic can be separated into two general methods; paid and organic growth. Direct engagement from paid spend would be considered inorganic. To name a few, this includes paid search ads, sponsored posts, and display ads. This style of digital marketing can also offer you unique opportunities to micro-target particular audiences. For instance, via ads on social media profiles that contain content similar to yours.
Yet, most usually find that paid ad spend results in a quick spike in webpage traffic, which soon drops back down again. So for sustained engagement of your webpage, building organic traffic is key. Organic marketing does not rely on any paid spend (2), and can bring real long-term engagement across your content. Ultimately, it’s seen as a cost-effective strategy for conversion into long-term online sales (2).
Time and time again, organic search results prove to be more popular than paid ads. The average click-through rate for the first organic Google result is reported to be 28.5%, with the average paid click-through rate for paid ads being 3.17% (2). Mastering organic marketing can understandably have a powerful impact in using popular consumer behaviours, to your own advantage.
The Importance of High-Quality SEO Blog Posts
Producing high-quality content is a crucial factor in the success of building organic webpage traffic. The benefits of creating engaging and relevant blog posts, can continue to reap rewards for months, and even, years to come.
When customers resonate with the blog posts you’re publishing, they’re also far more likely to share this with other potential consumers. Known as referral traffic, other content creators could find specific value in your content. This could then encourage them to provide links to your webpage, within their own (known as back-linking).
As you create high-quality content that delivers value, this, in turn, can build increased consumer trust in your brand (3). By delivering value, you might be addressing your consumer’s relevant queries.
Top Tip: Approximately 14% of Google searches are written as questions (1). Answering these and understanding your consumer’s intent holds the potential to unlock huge growth.
Understanding SEO for Growth
Crafting content which delivers real value to its intended audience is also mirrored often in its search engine ranking. Google looks to optimise value that satisfies their users, based on the keywords they’ve used in their searches (4).
It’s then vital that you utilise keywords relevant to your topic of choice when publishing content online. Whether you’re discussing the benefits of coffee, walking, or superfoods; it’s essential that you first identify the keywords and phrases most typically used, when people are searching for information on the topic at hand.
Researching SEO keywords can be done through a range of online keyword research tools. Once uncovered, you can begin to craft the content of your blog post, around these phrases. The impact of doing so can be staggering, to say the least.
Aside from the power of keywords, you can use Google’s ranking algorithms to your advantage, by creating value-driven content. Not only can this build consumer trust, but by creating highly-engaging content, the time that a reader spends on your webpage often increases. This is tracked as a metric called dwell-time or time on page; essentially telling Google how valuable your content is, to the reader.
Through effective SEO content marketing, you can supercharge your website reach and consumer trust; a powerful combination indeed.
The Impact of a Freelance Content Writer
It’s indisputable that SEO blog posts can be a real game-changer to an organisation’s growth. Businesses are increasingly looking to out-source freelancers with rich SEO experiences, recognising the importance of getting content marketing right.
With over a decade of SEO expert experience, we’ve transformed the way in which industry players (businesses both big and small) have expanded their reach. Most importantly, we’ve also played a huge part in building consumer trust, creating content centred around customer engagement.
We feel that all businesses should reap the benefits of SEO blog posts. With this in mind, our services are affordable and accessible, especially compared to digital marketing agencies in the same space.
Through our fine-tuned understanding of SEO, as native English speakers, we’ve helped businesses grow and thrive online.
Get in touch to discuss how we can help shape your business and understand your SEO blog post needs.